
Steve Bein, writer & philosopher

Find all of the Fated Blades novels at Powell's, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Audible, or from your favorite neighborhood bookstore.

The final chapter of the saga of the Fated Blades is the novella Streaming Dawn, an e-book exclusive available for any platform.


"Only a Shadow"

I’ve just sold “Only a Shadow,” a companion novella to Daughter of the Sword, to Penguin Roc. We’re looking to time the release of the novella with the release of the novel, and if you enjoy one, I’m sure you will enjoy the other. (In fact, in an earlier version of the manuscript, “Only a Shadow” was a part of Daughter of the Sword. To say they are set in the same universe is an understatement; “Only a Shadow” tells a part of the same story.) So get your e-reader ready for some ninja action!