
Steve Bein, writer & philosopher

Find all of the Fated Blades novels at Powell's, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Audible, or from your favorite neighborhood bookstore.

The final chapter of the saga of the Fated Blades is the novella Streaming Dawn, an e-book exclusive available for any platform.


Bookworm Blues says "It knocked my socks off!"

Daughter of the Sword collected its latest review, this time from Bookworm Blues. It’s a good one:

“It knocked my socks off. I couldn’t put it down….
Daughter of the Sword is an urban fantasy novel that is absolutely different than any other urban fantasy novel I’ve read before, written with an infectious passion, a soft touch, and an understanding that transcended its pages. This is a series to watch out for.”

“At its heart, this isn’t a book about swords and history, but about people. Shockingly real, incredibly alive, very captivating people in a country I really want to learn more about now.”

Thanks so much, Bookworm Sarah! Everyone else, you can read the complete review